Thank you for your comment and for sharing your experience Carolina! It is very interesting to learn that in the end, we have similar challenges as construction design managers, regardless of the country where we work. And that there is still a lot of work to do in order to ensure that all the stakeholders have the same understanding of the role and the responsibilities of the design manager.
]]>Thank you for the comment Liz! I am glad that somebody can find it useful:-)
]]>Thank you for the feedback Andi! In which country do you work? And what is your current position?
From my experience, the design manager should be on a project regardless if the BIM is used or not. The DM should coordinate the design activities and, if models and BIM is used, needs to closely cooperate with the BIM manager or BIM coordinator on the project.
Hence it is necessary that the DM has an overview of the whole project life cycle and understanding the value of BIM, VDC, Lean construction and other methods and tools that can be used in order to achieve higher efficiency and deliver the project according to time, schedule and quality.
]]>Thank you for the comment David! I have been wondering since I have started in this position: why isn’t there more information about the design management? Any ideas on that?:-)
What is the name of your current position? Where do you work at the moment: in a design office, as a contractor or a client / investor?