Comments on: Navisworks vs Solibri – Model Checkers Comparison Everything you want to know about Building Information Modeling Mon, 28 Feb 2022 14:51:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Luís Henrique Camargo Wescinski Mon, 28 Feb 2022 14:51:47 +0000 The main reason is because I believe that this way of working can enhance the results that we can deliver to people, we can be fairer and clearer with everyone, be better every day at what we do, to deliver this better to those around me, that’s why I want this course.

By: Izabela Folga Tue, 22 Feb 2022 15:47:56 +0000 Hello Ignacy!
My first company hired me as BIM Specialist with absolute zero experience other than a Master Degree in ‘BIM in Construction’ course at the Cracow University of Technology. Funny, isn’t it?

I was building-up skills in a very chaotic way basically to meet the soonest deadline, usually without any BEP or other BIM documentation. That was the time when I wrote my first Dynamo scripts to pull and push data from Revit to Excel to create stage 3 strategy drawings. The feeling of convincing engineers to fill the Excel Sheet with data I could use was unBIMlievable. After a recent change of job (and also degrade from Specialist to Technician after nearly three years), I want to structure knowledge finally.

I am not going to lie that I know BIM Corner for a long time, but after watching a few videos I just feel like I am a smarter person and going to share this gold with other colleagues from work, and there are a few BIM freaks around to talk to.

For everyday, I just can’t imagine work without creative particle into it. Particle which change boring repetitive process into short and smart automated parts. I just would like to know how to do it better.

Cheers from Bath!

By: Shazeb Tue, 22 Feb 2022 09:45:09 +0000 Hi sir,

I am Shazeb from India…

I searched many websites and also on YouTube about the helpful material to learn BIM cordinator skills free of cost but didn’t find. Then one day my search stay on your blog about BIM cordinator and then i subscribe you. I was thinking you wii provide free materials one day and that’s why I was regularly following you.
I deserve for this free coarse because I also don’t have money to buy it.

One day when I got job by leaning a lot of from your coarse, then I will help to poor peoples by more money than your coarse fee.

I need it more than others that’s why i deserve it.



By: Bartek Mon, 21 Feb 2022 09:10:48 +0000 Hello Ignacy,
I started my journey with BIM 2 years ago as a student of civil engineering. It became very interesting to me right away. At the beginning, I thought it mostly considered modeling in Revit or model viewing in Navisworks and Solibri, but as I started getting more familiar with the whole concept of BIM methodology it became clear to me that this is the thing I want to pursue in my life.
After I finished my bachelor’s degree I found a job as a structural designer assistant, but unfortunately, it did not have too much to do with BIM methodology. We use Revit, but most of the time only for our own use. I started my postgraduate studies about BIM modeling and information management, but it is still hard to find a job, where I can fully use gained knowledge. I believe that additional experience from your course would definitely make it much easier to find one as a BIM Coordinator or a BIM Specialist, that is why I would love to enter it!:)

Keep up the great work!

By: Juan Pablo Vásquez Chavarria Fri, 18 Feb 2022 16:43:16 +0000 Hey Ignacy:

Always is a pleasure to speak with you and your BIM Corner co-founders.

Why should I get one of those free tickets access?

This is the third time I answer that question.

I do not know what else to say, I think I said everything.

Except… maybe… one thing…

Like you guys, -but in smaller way, of course-, as BIM Specialist I found challengers that as civil engineer I never believe I have to face.

I found that It’s not enough my background experience as structural, mechanical and electrical designer; constructor; and architect consultant. Also, you have to know all the BIM software tools. But sadly, -as everybody hopes-, that not the end of the history.  You have to learn to manage BIM prosses through standards ISO 19650 at single discipline project level, and multi-discipline projects levels.

And that top! But in my case, in the world I live, not solve my biggest problem.

In my country, Costa Rica, civil, mechanical, electrical engineer; surveyor, bridge and road structural designers not incorporate in their organization BIM prosses yet. Architect, in the other hand, are a little more in touch with software tools like Revit, Archicad, Sketchups, etc., but just for modeling.

So, as BIM Specialist, in every organization I visit or I work to, I have to face the challenge of change the culture from CAD workflows to BIM workflow.

It’s true: BIM prosses are more productive, more efficiency, they englobe the whole lifecycle project whit multiple benefits, but (but.., but, but, but, there always a “but” in every major thing) in the other face of the coin, they imply hours and hours of study, dedication and sacrifice at individual and organization level.

Of course, the answer is training. You know that better than me.

However, to change a culture of work is hard, very hard.

More than a BIM Specialist I see myself as BIM Evangelist. I speak of BIM with colleges, students, owners, public officials with the true: it is something great, amazing that AEC companies have the opportunity to work with this sets of instruments, with one button you can draw a roof, a stair, a toposurface, but you have to dedicate hours and hours of your live to know what is that button.

With your BIM Coordination course, -with your free tickets access or not, because no matter what happened with the selection process, I am going to take the course yes or yes- It going to have more credibility with this future certification credential, that come from the Norwegian school of BIM. 

By: Piotr Fri, 18 Feb 2022 15:20:20 +0000 Hey Ignacy,
I’ve been following You and the rest of the BIM Squad for almost two years and it really makes me proud how my compatriots are making one of the most accesible blogs about BIM that there is. I often recommend your articles to my coworkers who want to know more about what BIM really is and you guys never fail to explain it in easy words. I believe you do a great job by spreading the word and using your experience to show how things are done first-handed.
I hope to get chosen for the training so I can implement this ideology in the company I work for. Just like Małgosia I have finished BIM Manager studies half a year ago and I would really want to get to know the practical side of BIM.

By: hakim ben aissia Fri, 18 Feb 2022 07:34:15 +0000 Thanks for your content, very interesting !
i’m an architect and a bim modeler, and i would like to know more about bim coordination, and take the next step.
Have a good day 🙂

By: Olya Thu, 17 Feb 2022 07:14:21 +0000 Hello, Ignacy! Your posts contain structured material – they are a pleasure to study, thanks for this work.
Why am I begging for free access?
– I will not subscribe for money and you will lose an attentive listener
– to be honest, I’m not a BIM coordinator, I’m a building performance specialist, but all the colleagues around me work in BIM and I signed up a year ago for “BIM corner” to better understand the design process. Now I would not refuse to dive into the intricacies of coordination, because all-round development in the modern world opens up more opportunities for generating cool ideas, and then who knows, maybe it will suck me
– I am from Russia and with my help, you can expand the geography of students far to the east)
– I understand your English, so that would be a great practice for me! 
– and I think I wrote a comment in the right place)))

By: Sergio De Anda Suárez Thu, 17 Feb 2022 03:58:08 +0000 I want to become a BIM Coordinator because it has a lot of benefits in the accomplishment of project and also to know the different stages to deliver a project with a complete knowledge of coordinating different areas.

By: Carlos Gonçalves Wed, 16 Feb 2022 21:41:01 +0000 I deserve to win because,
I belive we can change the world with improvements like this.
Best practice to a better world.
A hug from Caminha, Portugal.
Thanks for yours vídeos.
