Comments on: What is the biggest challenge in BIM? Asking experts Everything you want to know about Building Information Modeling Thu, 23 Dec 2021 15:16:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ibrahim Almasri Thu, 23 Dec 2021 15:16:35 +0000 I do Agree, since I am in a country that there is a huge lack of knowledge about BIM.
I did once a study on my colleagues and 50% of them thought that BIM is Revit or just related to Buildings.

If we want ti take the advantage of the technology and save the AEC industry, we have to spread out the knowledge about it.

By: Igor Svetel Sun, 19 Sep 2021 15:51:48 +0000 In reply to Victor Munoz.

We can compare BIM with successful digital transformations.

Is the digital photography the camera, sensor and lens?

Or is it a software for image processing?

Neither of those.

First, you are taking a photo using a knowledge of your camera, sensor and lens to get best photo in particular situation like in traditional photography. Than you compare what you get, on the camera screen, with the scene and see instantly how deficiency of digital sensor impacts your photo. Than you recall how you can process photo in software to make it better, so you take another shot that better suits processing requirements. And then you think, and get new idea, and take new shot… Finally you opens your shots in some software and gets new ideas how to process them.

So, digital photography is completely new process that includes both camera and software, and most important, knowledge about all aspects of digital process to achieve best results.

When we achieve this level in BIM, we will have successful digital transformation in AEC.

By: Xqwewsq Mon, 13 Sep 2021 09:54:55 +0000 In reply to Victor Munoz.

I think you are right Victor, but you think it is a technology because it is linked to this technologies. We could say that BIM will really be here after the DX.
Is BIM an idea produced by the software? Who cares.

By: Victor Munoz Sun, 12 Sep 2021 15:05:33 +0000 I agree with all opinions, but I think there is a problem with the meaning of BIM, please don´t misunderstand me, but I really think that BIM is software or technology instead of a process. Why do I believe that? If you see other industries, they already had this problem about adopting new tools/software and they solved with the concept of digital transformation (DX).

What is digital transformation (DX)? it is not about using new software, it is a changing process lead by digital data. Then there is 6 axis to take care of such as processes, organisation, culture, strategy, customers/partners and technology.

Other people think of BIM as a Lean tool to give a framework in which this tool works more than as software.

But if you really understand the concept of DX, BIM will become just a software lead by each axis. If you don’t take care of each axis “your BIM” will become just software in the same way as other industries think of DX as adopting new software.
